Confirmed: Men and women are pretty stereotypical on Facebook

They found that words like “mommy,” “boyfriend,” and “best friend” were more commonly used by women, while men tended to post words like “Xbox,” “World Cup,” and “Chuck Norris.” Women said “sooo,” “yummy,” and “super excited,” while guys said “ftw,” “epic,” and every possible variation of the F-word (we have a censored image of the real word cloud.) Girls used the word “dress” about as much as boys said “engineering.” Who used more smiley emoticons? Take a guess.


Dr. Margaret Kern, one of the researchers who conducted the study, cautioned that the word clouds represented the extremes of both genders. “It doesn’t mean that this is how all women talk, or even the majority of how all women talk,” she said. “It just means that words like this are more likely to be used by a woman than a man in this sample.”

Dr. Kern is right. But remember the our Facebook statuses are not about who we are, but rather about who we wish we were. Social media isn’t about expression, it’s about performance. So the results of this study reveal less about who the subjects are than about how they want to be perceived.

And that’s the problem.

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