A GOP shutdown strategy between the "defunders" and Barack Obama

Our advice is to give up on the impossible task of defunding or delaying ObamaCare at the current moment and focus instead on a quick if smaller policy victory. The House has already voted for three specific policies that might be achievable if they became the GOP’s main political focus.


The biggest potential victory would be a delay in the individual mandate to buy insurance, matching Mr. Obama’s own unilateral delay of the business mandate to provide insurance to employees. The White House would resist, but Senate Democrats would have to explain why they favor business over individuals.

Another possibility would repeal the Affordable Care Act’s $29 billion tax on medical device makers. The 2.3% levy applies to revenue, not profits, which makes it especially destructive in the life sciences industry that is a rare growth success these days.

The Senate has already endorsed repeal on a nonbinding 79-20 vote, with 33 Democrats in support. Yet it’s a sign of how politically unhinged some of the “defund” Republicans have become that they’re denouncing repeal of this punitive tax as “crony capitalism.” This is Bernie Sanders territory, and GOP leaders ought to say so.

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