Bogeyman, found: MSNBC finds their savior in Ted Cruz

Continue to blame Bush? Please. Even he wasn’t cooperating by the showing the same class his father has in keeping his mouth shut and only having nice things to say about the Obama Administration when saying anything at all.


Boehner? C’mon…the tan jokes can only go so far.

Enter Ted Cruz, Republican Senator from Texas.

We all know the story from there: Cruz leads a fight from the Hannity/Levin/Palin wing of the GOP to defund Obamacare. “Establishment” Republicans from political and media circles (from John McCain to Peter King to Karl Rove) fight back, creating a juicy civil war that has allowed the aforementioned Maddow to get her smirk back.

Cruz then takes it even further, performing a 21-hour filibuster-that-wasn’t-technically-a-filibuster that curiously made almost everyone’s head explode both on Capitol Hill and newsrooms across the country. Given the outrage, you would think the guy was the Majority Leader and hadn’t passed a budget in four years or something…

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