Why I don't sweat the personal attacks


Think about what most Americans do every morning.

They wake up early to get ready for work, get their kids ready for school, drop them off, drive to work, then start another day at the office, deal with the frustrations that face almost everyone in the workplace, get home at the end of the day, have dinner, hug their kids, help with their homework, pay bills, squeeze in a few minutes of TV, and collapse in bed so they will be ready to face the challenges of the next day.


Chances are good that these members of the Silent Majority do not have the time nor feel the need to send a flurry of hate-filled tweets and emails to politicians and public figures. And if you do something they support, they probably don’t have time to sit in front of a computer for hours tweeting, emailing or blogging their approval. That’s because they work hard, play by the rules, and hope that Washington gets its act together so they can keep their job, watch their kids improve in school, and see the day that America gets back on the right path. They are the Silent Majority, and they are who you should worry about; not online trolls.

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