The 50-year-old retired chief petty officer with the U.S. Navy was briefly identified as the Washington Navy Yard shooter that morning, only to have the news organizations circulating his name hastily retract their reports. …
“I have to feel the impact,” Chance said, in a phone interview with The Huffington Post on Friday morning, the first he’s granted to a non-television outlet. “Not only did it impact me in terms of changing my way of life, it impacted my family, and also I lost friends at the Washington Navy Yard.”
Monday began in otherwise mundane fashion for Chance. He woke up and helped his 9-year-old daughter get ready before school. He first heard about the shooting while sitting in his kitchen later that morning. Naturally, it grabbed his attention. But then more details starting coming in. He had worked at the Washington Navy Yard … in Building 197 … on the 4th floor, where the violence had reportedly taken place.
Then, things turned surreal. A call came in from ABC News sometime between 11:00 a.m. and noon asking him if anyone at his number and address knew Rollie Chance.
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