Media not as rosy about Hopenchange as they used to be

In interviews with POLITICO, reporters and pundits from across the ideological spectrum noted that Obama has fewer and fewer safe harbors in the fourth estate. Five years ago, the media was seen as being so sympathetic to the junior Senator from Illinois that it irked even his Democratic challengers. But in his second term as president the tone of both the news coverage and the editorial analysis has become far more critical. Of course, with more than two years left in his term, the notoriously fickle press’s pendulum could always swing back in Obama’s direction, particularly now that the immediate Syria crisis appears to have abated, at least for the time being.


But for now even Media Matters For America, the liberal watchdog group dedicated to monitoring conservatives, has noticed a new level of hostility toward the president from mainstream and liberal outlets.

“It is now almost universally hostile,” Eric Boehlert, a senior writer at the organization, told POLITICO. “It’s become consistently critical.”…

Conservatives also see the change, and relish that the same folks who they formerly saw as “in the tank” for Obama have started taking a more critical stance.

“There are indications that the media’s Obama Fever is beginning to break,” said Laura Ingraham, the conservative talk-radio host and Fox News contributor. “For five years, he has gotten a sweetheart deal from the media industrial complex… But it shouldn’t have taken the president’s disappearing red-line in Syria… and his being played like a Stradivarius by Putin for the press to lose their crush.”


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