Ted Cruz praises Obama for calling off Syria vote

“I want to commend President Obama for two different things. Number one, I want to commend President Obama for listening to the bipartisan calls to submit to the constitutional authority of Congress. That was significant, it was the right thing to do and I’m glad he did so,” Cruz said in a detailed foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation’s 4th Annual Jesse Helms Lecture Series…


“I commend [Obama] for…calling off the vote. I think it was better not to vote. Rather, than I think, if there had been a vote it would appear clear that the president would have been rejected overwhelmingly. And I think it is better for the presidency, better for the country not to have that vote occur,” Cruz said. “I would have voted ‘no,’ great many others would have voted ‘no.’ But I think it reflected a wise and prudent judgement on the part of the president to postpone the vote, rather than have that authority rejected and I don’t believe that the president is going to ignore the views of the American people.”

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