Britain gives America a preview of ObamaCare

Waiting times for many surgeries in the U.K. are notoriously long, but recently have grown longer. The Huffington Post UK reports that according to the NHS’s own data, close to three million people “were waiting to begin NHS treatment at the end of June, following a referral by their GP.”


That represents an increase of 240,000 people from the same month last year. The NHS target for treatment following a referral is 18 weeks. The data show 91.7 percent of patients are “seen” within 18 weeks, but being seen and getting surgery or treatment are not the same.

After the first appointment, patients often get in another line. Some wait additional weeks or months until a surgeon becomes available. Some die while waiting.

The Daily Telegraph reports the entire system “could collapse within a year without major changes and extra money. Senior doctors likened A-and-E units (accident and emergency) to ‘warzones’ in May, with medics fighting a losing battle to cope with an increasing tide of patients, while the head of the NHS watchdog said the system had become ‘out of control.'”

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