Less than three years later, Egyptians kind of regret ousting Mubarak

Here are a few key numbers from a May Pew report. It’s easy to imagine that these trends may have increased since then, given the surge in pro-military nationalism and the scale of the backlash against Morsi. And a Gallup poll, results from which are below, seemed to confirm as much.


1. In 2011, 77 percent of Egyptians said it was good that Mubarak had resigned.

2. In 2012, only 44 percent said Egypt was better off without Mubarak. This May, it was 39 percent.

3. Satisfaction with “where the country is going” is back around the same levels as in 2010; it was 28 percent in May of that year and 30 percent this May. It briefly spiked to 65 percent in 2011, after Mubarak’s ouster.

4. After two years of post-Mubarak optimism about the economy, Egyptians are again most likely to believe it will get worse.

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