Yes, that Reuters report on Israel accepting pre-1967 borders was pretty bogus

That does not mean they will never be able to make peace, but it does mean that it will not happen anytime soon. Every day on Palestinian TV and in their schools and newspapers the populace are taught that Jews in general are the spawn of the devil and they are ordered by Allah to destroy the evil Jews. Can one really expect that all of a sudden Abbas is going to wake up and say “hey we changed our minds they aren’t too bad?” Not unless he wants to be physically torn from limb to limb.


While Netanyahu is not facing a crowd that will dismember him, he is facing a suspicious coalition and people. Bibi wants to stay in power. Its is quite possible for him to make the steps necessary to make peace there are two things that will not happen in the short term. One is to BEGIN negotiations with a commitment to return to the armistice lines. The other is to agree to give up East Jerusalem. There may be a concession to give up a slice of the Holy City but the Temple Mount and other Jewish holy sites aren’t going anywhere yet. Those concessions would be political suicide.

The Reuters report simply made no sense.

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