The great hope of opponents is that a fast, electronically accelerated Flight 93-like learning curve will prevent a second disaster. Many conservatives seem (inexplicably) to have believed Marco Rubio when he said he wanted to ‘secure the border first.‘ They’re unlikely to cut the same slack to Paul Ryan, the Rubio of the House. And they’re onto the Trojan Horse strategy: “No conference with the Senate bill,” says Kristol. The “#noconference hashtag is already trending on Twitter. … Well, it’s on Twitter, anyway.
Is there some unexpressed, semi-subconscious force that might motivate Boehner to break his deal? Yes! Money. In terms of campaign contributions, legalization backers seem to have outspent opponents by a margin of 24 to 1. Of course, this led the press to launch one of its familiar campaigns against the influence of money in politics … oh wait, that didn’t happen at all. Instead, WaPo‘s Chris Cillizza and Sean Sullivan wrote movingly of “[o]ne voice lost in this battle over what the right, next move is on immigration for the party.” The lost voice ? ”The major donors of the party who serve as the bundlers of presidential campaigns and the funders of super PACs.”
Who will speak for the bundlers?
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