As fun as the Hillary speculation is, it comes with a myriad of problems. First and foremost, any political frontrunner gets pummeled. For all the supporters she’s getting, there are also websites in place such as Attacks will mount. And certainly Hillary herself has reason to dislike being the clear favorite considering the last time this happened in 2008, a relative newcomer to the national stage, Barack Obama, beat her to win the democratic nod.
Speaking of Obama, an even bigger issue for the Democratic party is that Obama is still president. It’s as if people are already writing him off as he struggles with scandals and to get anything accomplished. Instead of dealing with the problems that confront the nation today, including a huge debate over security versus personal liberties, it’s easier to play fantasy president 2016.
It’s almost like the fantasy baseball or football teams people put together where they mix and match their favorite players from different teams. In politics, it seems, you take Hillary, add in the best of her husband’s presidential term (especially the economic surge and balanced budgets), and a bit more of what you think a good Democrat today needs (be more progressive, more pro-gay, more pro-women, better international figure) and then throw in a dash of your favorite leaders of all time (Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc) and voilà, you have Hillary 2016.
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