Christie has some serious repair work to do with conservatives

But his absence was a sore point for many conservative activists who traveled to the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” conference to see a bumper crop of GOP stars, including would-be presidential candidates like Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. …


At the Faith and Freedom event, it was clear a similar perception about Christie has taken hold among party activists, many of whom said they wouldn’t dare vote for him if he decides to seek the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

“He’s changed,” said Robert Eaton, a Republican activist from Greensboro, North Carolina. “He was a rock star at first when he first came out. He was strong. He was making good speeches and being very conservative. He went against the teacher’s unions, which is a good, free enterprise issue. And he stared them down. Had his way. Now he is showing his other side.”

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