Poll: Older Americans' moral attitudes changing

As previously reported, Gallup’s trends show majority acceptance of two — having a baby outside of marriage and gay or lesbian relations — being reached in the past decade, while acceptance of others has increased over the same time from a smaller to larger majority.


For many of these items, moral acceptance has seen significant change across all age groups, with the largest changes in acceptance of certain issues among Americans aged 55 and older. This is particularly true in Americans’ attitudes toward gays and lesbians and having a baby outside of marriage, resulting in a shift from majority opposition to majority support over the past decade.

Other items — such as divorce, premarital sex, and embryonic stem cell research — have seen a slight increase in support among younger Americans and a dramatic increase among older Americans. Only on one issue — attitudes toward animal testing — has acceptance significantly declined, with the shift concentrated among those aged 18 to 34.

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