The Democratic Party and its candidates for President in 2004 were perfectly content to have Sharpton appear in Presidential debates. Not one candidate called Sharpton out for his outrageous history of hate.
And today one of the great American news organizations, NBC news, is spending millions of dollars to rehabilitate and promote Al Sharpton. Americans have been pretty good at sniffing out and discarding haters, but here is Al Sharpton on NBC and MSNBC being promoted as a credible source of information. Sharpton has gone from manipulating the news with vile accusations to delivering the news for NBC. When the Boston bombing story broke, there was Al Sharpton delivering breaking news for MSNBC.
“You would think that if he sold you such a terrible bill of goods for such a giant story that dominated the news for such a long time,” says former Village Voice journalist Wayne Barrett in the Times documentary, speaking to his journalist brethren, “that you would not show up at his next news conference with a camera.”
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