The president’s aides, wary of what they say are Republican attempts to seize on woes as a way of thwarting Mr. Obama’s agenda, have ordered the White House staff not to be distracted by approaching hearings on Capitol Hill. Denis R. McDonough, the White House chief of staff, has told those in the West Wing that he expects them to spend no more than 10 percent of their time on the controversies.
In a meeting with Democratic strategists on Thursday morning, Mr. McDonough outlined a plan to intensify focus on revamping immigration laws, reaching a budget deal, and carrying out the health care law. The White House is also preparing a new push to keep student loan rates low when the current ones expire this summer, on the theory that the best way to get past the controversies is to emphasize policy proposals and contrast them with what the administration will portray as political gamesmanship by the Republicans.
“We’ve got to stay focused,” Mr. McDonough told the group of strategists, according to Mike McCurry, a former spokesman for President Bill Clinton, who was at the meeting. “Even if it’s not going to break through in the short run, we’ve got to keep hammering on,” Mr. McDonough added, according to the account.
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