In December 2009, during the first term of his presidency, in an effort to make the federal government more “union friendly,” President Obama issued Executive Order 13522.
In short, as noted in 2011, Executive Order 13522 establishes “labor-management forums” between union bosses (who may or may not be federal employees) and federal agency management.
As part of the directives under Executive Order 13522, agency heads are to engage union bosses in “pre-decisional discussions” before decisions are made–and those discussions are to be in secret and outside the purview of the Freedom of Information Act…
The fact that, under Executive Order 13522, federal agencies are being co-managed by union bosses and it appears that the perpetrators of the IRS scandal are likely to be members of the IRS union makes one wonder how coordinated the attacks were–especially as four of the alleged perpetrators are claiming their bosses made them do it.
More importantly, if their bosses made them engage in potentially illegal activities, why didn’t they go to their union to file a grievance?
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