Senate skips details in rush to pass immigration bill

For example, in another overlooked portion of the bill, as conservative writer Yuval Levin points out, the Gang of Eight “defin[es] the hourly wages of immigrant farm workers to the second decimal place.”


It’s true. Among other things, the bill sets pay scales for “Animal Breeders; Graders and Sorters; Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse; and Farmworkers, Farm, Ranch and Aquacultural Animals.” The Gang dictates, for example, that graders and sorters will be paid $9.84 an hour in 2016, equipment operators $11.58 in 2015, and nursery and greenhouse workers $9.64 in 2016.

Despite the bill’s far-reaching scope and extraordinary level of detail, Democrats are trying to move it through the Senate with unusual speed. This week marks a new stage of that effort. On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin considering amendments to the bill — work that chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., has promised will be finished, with a final committee vote, by the end of this month. After a few initial sessions, Leahy said recently, the committee will meet “every day and evening” to make the deadline.

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