New immigration kabuki: Sponsorship for gay couples

This seems like complete nonsense. The gay equality issue isn’t going to sink the immigration amnesty (“reform”) bill. Democrats won’t let it. If the gay-partner provision threatens to kill Obama’s #1 legislative priority on the Senate floor, Democrats will remove it. They can tell liberal supporers they tried–Congress is very good at setting politicians up to say they tried but, gee, the votes just weren’t there.


For example, the amendment could be offered on the Senate floor, where it would fail to get the necessary 60 votes but allow Democrats and some Republicans to go on record in seeming support. Or the gay provision makes it into the bill, but the bill itself fails to get 60 votes. Then the Dems take out the provision and have another vote. Or the amendment gets removed in conference with the House, giving Democratic senators a “yes” vote on the initial bill and Republicans a subsequent. ”concession” they can use as cover for a final pro-amnesty vote.

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