In New Jersey, calling a classmate "fat ass" is now a courtroom matter

Having turned harsh words between kids into grounds for formal legal action, New Jersey officials are now astonished that children and families on the receiving end of bullying charges are actually making use of the tools at their disposal to defend themselves. In application, this means that judges, attorneys and educrats are wasting time in court parsing the offensiveness of calling a classmate a “fat ass.” Actual quote from the Ridgewood school board attorney during a courtroom proceeding: “There is no evidence she condoned being called a horse.”


From the Star-Ledger…

“At least 16 students, parents or teachers have filed appeals with the commissioner of education since New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights took effect in fall 2011; two have been decided so far. An untold number of others — the state does not keep track — have challenged school bullying findings to their local school boards, the first step in the appeal process.”

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