What that NYT op-ed by a Gitmo detainee left out

The 35-year-old — who claims to be suffering from mistreatment at Gitmo while he engages in a hunger strike — dismisses suspicions that he was a guard for bin Laden as “nonsense, like something out of the American movies I used to watch.”


But a once-secret Pentagon document put out by WikiLeaks — and posted on a Times Web site chronicling all the detainees — paints a very different picture of Moqbel as a devoted member of al Qaeda’s fighting force in Afghanistan.

Moqbel was captured at Tora Bora with a group known as the “Dirty 30,” which included bin Laden bodyguards, according to the Defense Department memo dated March 4, 2008.

He trained at al-Farouq, a main al Qaeda training camp, and was identified as a staff member at an al Qaeda guest house. He was labeled a high risk by the US military.

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