Why is a conservative group opposing spending cuts?

At least some of the money for this program will come, no surprise, from the businesses that get the contracts funded by the federal infrastructure budget. The American Road and Transportation Builders Association is a Washington-based lobby for construction companies, paving companies, concrete suppliers, engineering firms, and others in the business of building roads and bridges.


Republicans have traditionally supported this industry, but the Tea Party’s consistency on spending has been a thorn in the highway lobby’s side. “As you know, in recent times, we have often had trouble convincing our conservative friends that transportation infrastructure is a valuable investment and should not be subject to the spending cuts being discussed,” wrote Richard Juliano, a top lobbyist for ARTBA and the director of its political action committee, to member companies in an email the Times published.

“We would appreciate your considering a major contribution to this program in support of the A.C.U. effort and encouraging others to do so,” Juliano, an alumnus of the U.S. Department of Transportation, wrote.

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