Why Obama's "best-looking" comment failed to ignite a furor

But imagine if a President Mitt Romney had said Florida’s Pam Bondi was the “best looking” state attorney general…

Should the guy whose party claimed to be defending women in a full-on war against them be subject to a higher level of scrutiny where it comes to referring to their looks? There has not been a hue and cry over Obama’s joking comment Thursday night during a fundraiser in California that California’s Kamala Harris is the “best looking” attorney general. There could be a factual argument if you get down to it. What about Vice President Biden’s son Beau? What about Bondi?


But it does seems slight, and offensive comments, like beauty, may be in the eye of the beholder. Calls to women’s groups requesting comment were not immediately returned.

There are obviously differences between what Romney said about binders full of women and what Obama said about California’s attorney general. One was a reference to looks and the other was a reference to qualifications. Romney was publicly offering up how he would try to include women in his administration – amass binders of them. Obama referred first at the fundraiser to her smarts and dedication.

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