What Republicans should say to Wall Street

“I’m going to steer this party away from Wall Street and toward what used to be called Main Street and doesn’t have a name anymore. Our economy won’t take off again until our pigsty of a tax code is cleaned up. People have to feel everyone’s being treated fairly, that the rich aren’t calling the shots and gaming the system. And all future growth could be stymied if you guys make a half-trillion-dollar wrong bet tomorrow because some trader in London was high as a kite on Ambien. That could bring down the system the way it crashed in ’08. So we have to change the system. Too big to fail is too big to live.


“You may not like these policies, and I know the reasons you won’t, but I’m asking you to watch, and consider what I’m doing. Because the big banks and carried interest are over, they won’t survive the new era. I’m going to lead the charge. I’d like to keep coming back here and telling you what I’m doing and why.

“But I’m going to win this thing in ’16, and I’m going to win in part on these issues, and I feel I can ask you to join me because I respect you enough to know you know the big bank system is looking for trouble, and carried interest is ultimately destructive. I think you know this deep down.

“You’d do a lot for your industry, and I think for the country, if you just watch and keep an open mind. Thank you. This has been a pleasure. I love the subtle play of beige tones in your office.”

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