Does the NRA agree with Wayne LaPierre?

Numerous polls show the vast majority of Americans support requiring background checks for all gun sales, including gun shows. But two polls released this month shed rare light on the views of NRA members on the issue.


Nearly three quarters (74 percent) of NRA members supported requiring a background check system for all gun sales, according to a poll released Monday by Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health. The survey found 89 percent of all Americans support the proposal. (The Johns Hopkins program has received financial support, and is named after, New York City mayor and gun control advocate Michael Bloomberg.)

While the poll’s sub-sample of NRA members included only 169 completed interviews and a seven-point margin of sampling error, it corroborates a New York Times/CBS News poll this month that found an 85 percent majority of people in households with an NRA member supporting universal background checks.

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