What do Mideast Christians face in 2013?

Clifford D. May, president of the Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a former New York Times reporter, told the Post that the rise in the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world “may be the most significant – and under-reported – story in the world today.”


“A generation from now, Christians may be entirely ‘cleansed’ from their ancestral homes – this at a time when Muslim populations are growing in Europe and America,” he said. “Yet there is very little urgency or even attention to this crisis by the UN, most of the media or Western leaders. I wish I were confident this would change in 2013. But I’m afraid this is an issue most people in America and Europe are determined to avoid.”…

“There is only one place in the broader Middle East where Christians are free and unafraid – and their population is growing,” he said.

“That place is Israel. Many people don’t know that. And even many of those who do know it fail to perceive the significance.”

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