According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Sunday morning, 85% of Democrats and independents who lean towards the Democratic Party say they’d be very or somewhat likely to support Clinton if she runs for the Democratic nomination. There’s a slight gender divide, with 93% of Democratic women saying they’d be very or somewhat likely to support Clinton. That figure drops to 79% among Democratic men…
Romney’s running mate tops the current GOP list of 2016 hopefuls. Three-quarters of Republicans or independents who lean Republican say that they’d be very or somewhat likely to support Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan if he runs. At a recent conservative awards dinner Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, joked about running for the White House, saying “know any good diners in New Hampshire or Iowa? I’m sure the press won’t read too much into that one.”
Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they’d back Chris Christie. The tough-talking New Jersey governor considered running for the 2012 nomination but eventually ruled it out and backed Romney.
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