Pelosi to meet with top Dems tonight about whether she'll stay on as minority leader

“When I see my caucus, I will discuss it with them in the beginning of this week rather than discuss it with rumor in Washington,” Pelosi told the reporters. “I will make that announcement to my caucus. I know that we’re best friends and all, but I think that I will share that with them first.”


A Pelosi spokesman said on Monday that he was not aware of any scheduled announcement at Wednesday’s Democratic Caucus meeting, the first chance all her rank-and-file members will have to see Pelosi since Election Day…

The betting inside the Democratic Caucus so far — despite no information to go on — is that Pelosi stays put. Pelosi has been calling members and candidates as she normally would following Election Day, and she spoke briefly to Hoyer over the weekend. The phone conversation with Hoyer was first reported by Roll Call.

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