Libyan Islamist militia leader: Why yes, I was at the Benghazi consulate during the attack

Abu Khattala denied sanctioning or leading the attack, but said he understood the anger which fuelled it.

A crudely made movie that mocks the Prophet Mohammad, filmed in California and circulated on the Internet, has helped generate violent protests across the Islamic world.


U.S. officials have said they believe militants used the protests as cover to carry out an armed assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound and a building that was supposed to be a safe house.

“The film which insulted the Prophet was a direct attack on our values and if America wants good relations with the Muslim world it needs to do so with respect,” Abu Khattala said. “If they want to do it with force, they will be met with force.”

He said that after he arrived at the consulate, he began to help direct traffic with other militia leaders.

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