Santorum makes his debut

“The republic is at stake,” Santorum told a crowd gathered in the hot and cramped Victory Center, many of them wiping their brows. “One man is who we have to put our trust in to go out and fight that battle, and win that battle. And we must rally behind and do everything we possibly can to support Gov. Mitt Romney so he’s the next president of the United States.” …


When asked by RCP on Saturday about his previous characterization of the presumptive nominee as unqualified to be president, Santorum replied, “I said on the issue of health care he would have trouble. And, you know, he has had a little trouble coming out of the gate on this issue. The bottom line is he is far better than Barack Obama on this issue. Far better.” Santorum said there “is going to be plenty of time to make the case on health care” and that Romney “has been very clear, just like I have, that that bill needs to be repealed.”

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