Bobby Jindal's stock is on the rise

“We’re not going to speculate. I’ve said this for the last several weeks. We’re not speculating. We’re not commenting on that,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” referring questions to the Romney campaign. “No disrespect to Joe Biden, nobody’s going to the voting booth and voting based on who’s vice president.” …


A darling of social conservatives, he has reworked his image by tackling major problems, including the Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, and by being one of the most vocal critics of the Obama administration’s policies on health-care reform and the economy. And he has emerged as one of Romney’s most visible and aggressive surrogates, going head to head with Democrats on Sunday roundtable talks and traveling the country to rebut Obama on his tour of Midwestern states. …

“Jindal would be very, very well received among evangelicals. I hear nothing but rave reviews from evangelicals in Louisiana about how he has given them access and developed a relationship that is better than any other governor that they have ever had. What most evangelicals have been saying to the campaign is that it has to be somebody pro-life,” said Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention. “And he also counterbalances the elitist claim [because] he is an up-from-the-ranks guy, and it helps to have someone on the ticket who is from Main Street, not Wall Street.”

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