Obama administration closing nine border-crossing stations in four states

It may be crazy, but it is consistent with an administration that has switched to a policy of non-enforcement in a desperate bid to pander to leftist Hispanics and the open borders crowd (most Hispanics do not regard tearing down the border as a good idea). The administration has announced a policy allowing young illegal aliens who meet certain criteria to stay and even receive work visas, a de facto amnesty, and has also reprioritized overall enforcement so that only illegal aliens with prior serious convictions will face deportation. From a law enforcement perspective, that amounts to repudiating the “broken windows” theory by which Rudy Giuliani was able to clean up then crime-ridden New York City.


The message of that latter policy to illegal aliens is clear: You can commit all the identity theft and low-level crime you want as long as you don’t get caught too often. But kill someone and the Obama regime just might get serious about you. Maybe.

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