Obama to Netroots Nation: Hey, change is hard

“I know it hasn’t always been easy. I know the petty political fights in Washington can be frustrating, and believe me, I know that. But I hope you’ll look back and think about the fact that everything you did, step-by-step and day by day, has helped bring about the changes we’ve fought for.


The president touted many of his achievements including the Affordable Care Act, with the video cutting away to a clip of a family from Englewood, Colo. discussing how the healthcare reform law helped them secure coverage for their sick son.

“Change is also doubling down on clean energy and enacting historic fuel efficiency standards, changing our entire trajectory after decades of inaction,” Obama continues.

“Change is the fact that for the first time in history you don’t have to hide who you love to serve the country,” he adds, referencing the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

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