It's time for Beltway barnacle Orrin Hatch to go

Fact: Hatch joined hands with Kennedy again to create the ever-expanding, tax hike-funded SCHIP health care Trojan Horse for Obamacare. It’s now an $8-billion-a-year entitlement and growing.


Fact: Hatch voted to raise the debt ceiling 16 times over the past 36 years β€” totaling future liabilities of some $7.5 trillion imposed on our children and grandchildren.

Fact: Hatch was an original sponsor of the open-borders DREAM Act illegal alien student bailout and voted for the trillion-dollar TARP bank-turned-all-purpose bailout.

Fact: Hatch was the third-biggest earmarker on Capitol Hill in 2010 β€” including $50 million for his own Solyndra-style green energy failure, a bankrupt environmental firm known as Raser Technologies.

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