Meghan McCain goes looking for fights, gets them, and then wants sympathy?

But in 2009, McCain emerged as a pugilistic voice when she told critics of her figure to “kiss her fat ass.” U.S. News and World Reports and Politico editorials from the time branded her “the future of the Republican party” for her pugnacity and forthrightness. At the time, it appeared as though they were on to something. …


McCain wonders why she draws the ire of conservatives, but continues to say things that she has to know will be deemed as ire-worthy by the right. McCain has attacked Malkin, saying she went on a “manic rampage” when Malkin mocked McCain for tweeting a picture of herself with liberal activist Sandra Fluke when they met at a White House Correspondents’’ Dinner. McCain went after Greta Van Susteren for inviting actress Lindsay Lohan to the WHCD. McCain has equated herself with Ronald Reagan for holding moderate views, and said “dirty moderates like me” have no home in the party. …

She went after the Republican primary process in 2012, which she called “bad for politics and bad for the Republican party.” This was an odd observation, given that she is on record saying that Republican primary voters are far too provincial even to watch premium cable programming like HBO.

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