Top officials in Israel are charging that national-security leaks coming from the U.S. government are undermining Israel’s military options against Iran. “The problem is the Iranians are certainly paying close attention to these reports,” a senior Israeli official told The Daily Beast. “We are concerned about the leaks and we hope they are not intentional.”…
The Foreign Policy piece was written by Mark Perry, a journalist and author who specializes in intelligence and military matters. He has reported a series of exclusives about the U.S.-Israel relationship, including a piece this year that claimed Israeli Mossad officers were posing as CIA officers to recruit Iranian opposition figures for operations in Iran. The Daily Beast was not able to confirm the report.
Perry has provided counsel to the Palestinian side of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Between 1989 and 2004, he served as an unofficial and unpaid adviser to Yassir Arafat. After that, he became the co-director of Conflicts Forum, a non-governmental organization that specialized in bringing journalists and policymakers into contact with groups throughout the Middle East and South Asia that have been designated by the State Department as foreign terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah. In 2009, he left that group after his co-director Alastair Crooke, a retired British MI6 officer, wrote an op-ed questioning whether the Iranian regime had really killed Neda, the iconic Iranian woman protester whose death was captured on YouTube.
Perry denied his recent article had an Obama administration connection.
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