Bipartisan agreement: Congress loves the P90X

In 2011 Schock posed for the June cover of Men’s Health magazine, revealing the congressman’s well cared-for muscles and six-pack abs. The 30-year-old details in the magazine his workout routine – before a 5-mile run around the nation’s capital, Shock clocks in at the weight room in the House gym at 6:30 a.m. The article also revealed Shock’s, along with “a dozen or so congressmen,” affinity for sessions of P90X, the exercise video series created by Tony Horton…


Horton himself has singled out Ryan and Rep. Heath Schuler, D-N.C., as two of the biggest fans of the workout, which features a grueling routine of arms, abs, legs and cardio. He told the Washington Examiner last year that Washington’s politicos hold their ground well compared with his Hollywood clients.

“Compared to most of my celebrity clients, I’m from Hollywood, there are a lot of divas and a lot of prima donnas, they want to be treated with kid gloves a lot of the time, but the congressmen work really hard, they are very impressive I have to say,” Horton told the Examiner.

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