The virtues of a brokered convention

Political primaries were designed to take the nominating process away from the political “bosses” and instead give the choice of candidates to the “people.” This is a noble idea. But it failed because it rests on the false assumption that most voters would turn out and participate in primary elections.


But no state caucus or primary attracts a large percentage of voters. In any case, a plurality of voters today is neither Republican nor Democrat. Most are independent, and in many states they can’t participate in caucuses and primaries…

Conventions are institutions created to bring together differing men and women from across our large country, to listen to each other and come to a common conclusion.

Sometimes, that doesn’t happen — as in 1948, when the Democratic Party split and some delegates broke off to form another party. But usually, Democrats and Republicans manage to find compromises, stay together and return home to wage campaigns in support of the ultimate nominees. What’s so bad about that?

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