HHS issued its now-infamous contraception mandate, in which religiously affiliated institutions would be forced to provide first-dollar coverage of birth control. Aside from being an egregious infringement of religious liberty, the ruling is likely to drive up the cost of contraception, harming the very people it is intended to help.
CLASS, the zombie-like “suspended” long-term-care entitlement, continued to make news. A new report from the Congressional Research Service stated that courts could force HHS to implement the program, despite its future insolvency, unless Congress formally repealed it.
A new HHS report disclosed that per capita spending in Obamacare’s high-risk pools was double what states had previously projected.
The New York Times, frustrated by the law’s enduring unpopularity, shuttered its Prescriptions blog, which had been devoted to covering — and defending — Obamacare.
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