Madeleine Albright fundraising for DCCC with claims of Republican misogyny and hate speech

“My friend Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are fighting back against the Republican attacks on women’s rights. And, they need your help,” she wrote, articulating a goal of raising $2.5 million before the Federal Election Commission’s end-of-quarter filing deadline, “to show we will stand strong and united against the Republican attack on women’s rights.”


Albright concluded her letter by asserting that “Republicans are on the wrong side of history, once again.”

“Women will never go back to the days where we could not control our own reproductive health care decisions — and we will not remain silent in the face of vicious misogyny and anti-women hate speech,” she wrote, cautioning that “rights never stay won” and pronouncing, “[e]ach generation must stand up and fight to hold accountable those who would try to take our rights away.”

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