What went wrong with the Nobel Peace Prize?

There has been an identifiable trend of anti-Americanism in recent years, or at least anti-Republican Americans. When once it was awarded to Theodore Roosevelt, Elihu Root, Charles Dawes, Frank Kellogg and Henry Kissinger, by the 1980s a deep strain of leftist assumptions had taken root. Instead of awarding the Peace Prize to President Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II for their part in the destruction of Soviet Communism, the most vicious system of oppression to besmirch the face of humanity since the Nazis, in 1987 the Nobel Committee apparently told Costa Rican President Oscar Arias that they were giving him the prize as a weapon against Ronald Reagan…


Blessed are the peacemakers, but in an era where two of the most powerful bastions of political correctness are Scandinavia and leftist ex-politicians, you cannot expect the real peacemakers to be identified by Scandinavian leftist ex-politicians, who make up the majority of the ultimate decision-makers. Even back in 1945 they failed to award it to Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, so what possible chance do they have of choosing sensibly today? Alfred Nobel should have stipulated that the prize be chosen by the first 100 people who appear in the Oslo telephone directory, sooner than the Nobel Committee, which is chosen by the (usually Labor Party-dominated) Norwegian parliament, the Storting.

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