Almost as important as what the film says is what it doesn’t. There’s not a word about the failure of the president’s stimulus to produce the jobs he pledged—according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fewer Americans are working today (132.7 million) than when Mr. Obama was sworn in (133.6 million).
There’s nothing about his promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his term—according to Treasury’s Bureau of Public Debt, the administration has piled up more debt in three years and two months ($4.93 trillion) than his predecessor did in eight years ($4.8 trillion).
Nothing is said about the centerpieces of last year’s State of the Union—green energy jobs (Solyndra anyone?) and high-speed rail (fizzled). Nada on the president’s promises about how ObamaCare would lower premiums and lower the deficit while allowing people to keep their existing coverage (all untrue).
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