Conservative punditry and political journalism: The things we think but do not say

Ann Coulter, who recently lamented the “con men” and “charlatans” in the GOP, is, perhaps, a good example (if only because she is among the most famous conservative commentators). Here’s how it works: Coulter says something controversial, and we pay attention to her. She wins. We (the media outlet) wins.


But who loses? In many cases, conservatives collectively lose…

Still, one must conclude that the dearth of leaders willing to stand athwart the blowhards, yelling “stop!” — has contributed to the mess. Not everyone has the credibility to attempt to put smart and famous people in their place. But surely someone does (or did.)

I’m currently obsessed with the now-defunct TV show, “Friday Night Lights.’ In the series, the fictional Coach Eric Taylor loves his team, but demands high standards from them. Despite the constant stream of drama and ethical dilemmas he must overcome, if one of his players gets out of line, the coach lets them know it. Conservatism has no such leader today.

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