“It really has to do with what your principles and your core is,” Santorum said. “I have a core. I’m someone who has really strong convictions about the limited role of government, about the importance of having a strong defense, you know, lowering taxes and getting regulation down. That’s a sharp contrast with Mitt Romney, who is for Romneycare, the blueprint for Obamacare, advocated for Romneycare, advocated for mandates at the federal level. This is someone who doesn’t have a core. He’s been on both sides of almost every single issue in the past ten years.”…
“The issue is not contraception,” Santorum said. “The issue is government-mandated health insurance. That to me is completely on message The federal government, first off, shouldn’t be mandating any kind of health insurance and specifically going after churches, saying they have to do things that are against their principles and faith.”
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