Why isn't Paul Ryan running for president?

First, the best way to defeat Obama is to match him against another young Midwesterner. With the West Coast and New England already lost to the Republicans before a single vote is cast, the decisive battles will come in states like Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ryan’s own Wisconsin. (Given the bipartisan nature of the criminal organization that runs the state — the Combine, as John Kass has called it, Illinois is probably lost as well.)


Second, Ryan is the antithesis of Obama: uncharismatic but compelling; smart instead of credentialed; serious instead of sneering; youthful but not immature. Unlike the poetasting senator from Illinois with the undistinguished past, Ryan has distinguished himself as a congressman; he knows how the legislative process works and what it can — and can’t — accomplish. He knows that the Framers intended real political power to reside with the people, not in an executive who rules by regulation and fiat. And Ryan also understands that “jobs” may make a great slogan (hey, it’s worked since FDR) but doesn’t begin to address the fatal budget crisis that’s slouching its rude beastly way to Washington.

Third, Ryan is unafraid of Obama and doesn’t flinch when confronting him.

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