Breitbart is here

This is a first step. Ultimately, Breitbart’s goal was to expose what he called the corrupt Democrat Media Complex. He wanted to break it up because he understood how the left uses its dominance of the mainstream media and pop culture to advance its objectives and marginalize its political foes.


Standing up and defending those who are being unfairly targeted and maligned was also the mission. Is it any wonder Breitbart titled his autobiography “Righteous Indignation” when you consider his deep-seated sense of justice and fair play? He was on the side of the little guy and ready to run to the aid of those who needed it. He possessed that old fashioned virtue of courage, compassion, and decency that we once called chivalry. He inspired that in others.

When you’re in the political arena serving for the right reasons and taking flak from all sides, there is nothing more discouraging then when your fellow conservatives sit on their thumbs or worse yet, join in the attacks. Breitbart understood this because he experienced it himself at times, so he was determined to stand by others in need.

He was a genius at new media, but his real gift was that he was fearless at a time when too many people are afraid and are retreating. Courage inspires courage. Fearlessness emboldens others to follow your lead.

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