Ron Paul: Santorum has an "atrocious" voting record

Ron Paul on Sunday re-launched his attack that Republican presidential rival Rick Santorum is a liberal, adding he doubts the former Pennsylvania senator could beat President Barack Obama in November if he wins the party’s nomination.


“His voting record is, I think from my viewpoint, an atrocious voting record – how liberal he’s been in all the things he’s voted for over the many years he was in the Senate and in the House,” Paul said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” …

Paul, however, argued that the candidates, including Santorum, were focused on the wrong issues.

“This whole idea about that talking about the social issues and who is going to pay for birth control pills, I’m worried about undermining our civil liberties, the constant wars going on, the debt of $16 trillion,” Paul told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley. “They are worried about birth control pills and here he wants to control people’s social lives.”

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