CPAC and the Unity of Faith in Freedom

In this column I write about faith, and usually leave political issues to my husband and others who would do a better job at it, but this is something I need to speak out about. The Bishops and other leaders have been doing a great job standing up and giving information about all this. I have been dismayed, however, that I have found that in spite of that, some of my friends I have spoken to really don’t understand what is at stake here. I do my best to inform them that this is about our freedom of religion rights guaranteed in the first amendment that we need to be aware of.


The Bishops have called for us to take action by (politely) letting the White House know how we feel. They have also asked for prayer. With Lent fast approaching, it is a time when we think about what we are going to do to prepare for the Lord’s sacrifice for us, and to pray and fast in some way to transform our hearts, and grow closer to God. We need to pray for our nation and all elected officials—those we agree with and those we don’t. I admit I have been angry, but when I was thinking about this, I felt the Lord telling me to pray. So, I am making more of a point to pray for the president and all our leaders, because all of us are in need of prayer.

The story of people of faith struggling with civil authorities isn’t anything new. With Lent upon us next week, it might be a good reminder that prayer, fasting and other Lenten practices are to remind us that the sacrifice that was made on Calvary is what brings us to the victory of the Resurrection at Easter.


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