"It was a crazy, crazy challenge just to attempt to portray her"

As for Moore’s personal feelings about Palin, it’s a mixed bag.

“Here’s a woman who’s a parent, who’s an actual working mother, who worked her way up from local government, who was definitely middle working class, married to a commercial fisherman. She was incredibly relatable, she was attractive, she was young; she was speaking to a wider portion of the population that didn’t feel that they’d been noticed or seen or heard. In a way she was representing an entire swath of the public that had previously felt invisible,” Moore said. “We continue to respond to people who are the most charismatic like (Palin) who has a natural ability to reach people, that sometimes shoves every other quality out the door.”


But: “She was not qualified to be vice president. She wasn’t a qualified candidate. I think that became quite evident during the campaign. It was so shocking to me when she resigned the governorship of Alaska when the presidential election was over. I was stunned. I just think that shows such an unbelievable lack of interest in the actual governing.”

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