Occupy DC activist accuses Van Jones and MoveOn of smear campaign

The Occupy DC movement has descended into a swirl of bitter charges and counter-charges, with an organizer answering allegations of theft with the claim that operatives connected with Van Jones and with MoveOn.org are conducting a smear campaign against him.


Kevin Zeese, a longtime activist on the left and former executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, has been accused by other occupiers of stealing money from the Occupy movement.

But Zeese doesn’t believe that the accusations are just coming from other occupiers. He told BuzzFeed that “a lot of these attacks on us came after we started to call out Democratic operatives that tried to take control of the movement.”

To back this up, Zeese sent us a number of links accusing Van Jones — a green jobs activists pushed out of the Obama Administration amid a controversy over his past radical statements — his and MoveOn.org of trying to co-opt Occupy, e.g. Van Jones can’t occupy us and Occupy Movement tells MoveOn: Back Off!

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